Welcome to the MMU "Technology FAQ" blog. Use the search bar to look for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

eMail eric.hall@mmuusd.org with questions or suggestions for this blog.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why can't I print to school printers?

This issue has occurred several times lately, and the explanation is simple: computers connected to the "MMU-guest" network won't be able to access Novell or network printers.

Solution: re-connect to the MMU-Private2 network (the password is saved on school computers)

ALSO: once your computer has connected to MMU-guest, it will join that network before joining Private2. This is because Windows tries to join it's most recent networks in order.

  1. Right-click on the wireless icon and choose "Open Network and Sharing Center"
  2. Click on "manage wireless networks (upper left)
  3. Right-click on MMU-guest and "Remove Network"

Monday, November 26, 2012

Chrome Apps are awesome!

What is a Chrome App? Using Google Chrome you can access a huge number of single-purpose, web-based apps right in your browser. These function very much like iOS apps (on iPad or iPhone,) and when you are trying to do a simple task on your computer there may just be "an App for that!"

Any user can install Chrome Apps from the Chrome App Store, which is accessed by opening a new tab in Chrome and making sure that "Apps" (not "most visited") is selected at the bottom of the screen. Search for the app you wish to install (or the task you want the app to perform) and click "Add to Chrome." Your app will now appear in the App window when you open a new tab in Chrome. As an added bonus, your apps will transfer to other computers if you sign in to Chrome!

Some of my recent favorite apps:

  • Speech Recognition (just like it sounds - free speech to text!)
  • Screencast-O-Matic (create quick screencasts)
  • Pixlr Express (web-based image editing)
  • Read Later Fast (fast, simple bookmarking
  • gMail and Google Calendars offline
  • WeVideo (video editing for Google Drive)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Windows Update Fails

Keeping Windows up-to-date is important to make sure your computer is running properly AND stays protected from Malware. You should allow Windows Update to install everything it recommends, and do so as soon as updates appear. Windows Update will occasionally install updates automatically and force a restart, but more often they will be downloaded silently and installed when you shut down the computer.

Occasionally there will be updates that fail for one reason or another. The symptoms of this may be that you notice updates being installed EVERY time you shut down your computer. If this occurs:

  • Go to Windows Update in your Control Panel and try to install the update manually.
  • If the update fails, check with HelpDesk or Mr. Hall for assistance.

Note: If the update that fails ends in (KB2731771) this is a "known issue" with the HP3115 and it is OK to "Hide" the update so that it does not get applied. To do this:

  1. Open Windows Update and "check for Updates" 
  2. Click the link for "1 important update is available"
  3. Right-click on the one ending with that number and choose "Hide Update"

Unless you have specific information about an issue with Updates, it is NOT advisable to Hide Updates in this way.

Using Tabs to Speed Up Web Browsing

Using multiple tabs in your browser can help you browse multiple Internet pages simultaneously, and when used efficiently tabs can save you a LOT of time. Here are some tips:

1) Set Chrome to open your "most visited" places (gMail, Drive, Edu, etc.) all at once when you start up. To do this use Chrome's menu (three horizontal bars in the upper left,) choose Settings and then "Set Pages" in the On Startup section of settings.

2) When you are browsing, use new tabs when you need to open a new page instead of browsing "away from" something you need to keep open. You can also open links in a new tab (like a link from Edu to a Google Doc) by holding down CTRL when you click the link.

3) You may have noticed that Google Apps always opens documents in a new browser tab. While this can be convenient (your Drive is always open in a tab) it can also result in a large number of tabs open, especially if you use the "hidden arrow" to close a document and go back to your Drive. A large number of tabs can begin to slow down your browser, so here are two ways to avoid this 1) When you are done with a Google Doc, close that tab instead of going back to Drive 2) Turn off Google's tab behavior by going to your Docs settings (the gear icon) and choosing "In the current window" in the Where Items Open section.