Welcome to the MMU "Technology FAQ" blog. Use the search bar to look for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

eMail eric.hall@mmuusd.org with questions or suggestions for this blog.

Monday, August 17, 2020

gMail Takes Me To An "Accounts" Page

If this is happening to you, this is a symptom of a recent Chrome update. 

Try these steps:
  • Even though your MMUUSD account is already listed, click "Add Account" and sign in
  • Reload gMail
  • If prompted, sign in again
  • Reload gMail again
For some users this still does not work, and gMail loops them back to the Accounts page every time. If that is the case you will need to remove and re-add your user account to the computer:
  • Check your Downloads folder for anything that needs to be saved, and move files to Drive if so.
  • Downloads will be wiped out in this process
  • Sign Out
  • Click on the triangle in the upper right corner of your user icon and "Remove User"
  • Click "Add User" in the lower left and sign in again. It may take a few minutes, but this will copy all of your settings, bookmarks, etc. back to the computer.
If you are still having difficulty, stop in at Helpdesk or contact Mr. Hall.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

I can no longer print to K9-Black, I only see "Save to PDF"

The "K9-Black" printer option for MMU students has been replaced by a printer called "K9-Black Papercut." If you have not printed to this printer before, you will see only the "Print to PDF" option when you try to print and you will not be able to choose K9-Black.

Here's the fix:
  • Choose "See more"
  • Choose K9-Black on Papercut
  • Click Print
  • Sign in to Papercut with your MMUUSD Google account (only needed the first time)
Because Google is shutting down CloudPrint services next year, our printers are no longer available via CloudPrint, which means for the moment school printers are not available from phones. We hope to post a solution for phone printing shortly!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

How do I open FLV video files from Schoology?

<UPDATE: Flash was discontinued 01/01/21 and this post is no longer relevant.>

Unfortunately Schoology's built-in video recording feature still uses Adobe Flash, and Flash files have become difficult to play on Chromebooks. Teachers at MMU will discontinue this method of recording as we move into Distance Learning, however there may be some messages that are still recorded as FLV files.

Before following the steps below, check for the "View" link to the right of the video file link. The link will download the file but that is not necessary if "View" is available

If there are small green arrows in place of "View," then the video is still being processed. Processing times vary widely, but if you need to see the video immediately or processing has taken longer than 30 minutes:

  1. Save the FLV file to Downloads
  2. Install the VLC Player app.
  3. Right-click on the file in Downloads and choose Open With --> VLC Player
  4. The weird thing about VLC is that it doesn't open files, it opens folders, so when it opens you need to select the Downloads folder in the left sidebar, then it will show you previews of any video files in Downloads.
  5. Double-click your file to play it

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Posting Video From Home

As the use of video discussions in Schoology and elsewhere increases, there have been a lot of questions about the most effective way to do this when home Internet connections are weak.

TRUE: Not all of the file transfer procedures we use regularly are "bandwidth efficient!"

Step 1: Know your bandwidth. Try this test and this test to see what your download and upload speeds are. It is normal for upload speeds to be much lower, because we typically get more information from the Internet that we post.

Step 2: When it comes to Schoology, the phone app is the most efficient option for posting video. Make sure the app is up-to-date! In Schoology you can attach a video file from your Photos directly to a Submission or Discussion post, but you cannot record video directly.

TIP: To make your file transfers as quick as possible, turn your camera settings down so that video is being recorded at 720p/30fps or lower. The lower the settings the smaller the file!

Here's the Math: (derived using this site)
  • At 720p, 1min of video = 60MB file size
  • A 1MB upload speed will take 8min to upload a 60MB file
Here are additional tips for maximizing your home bandwidth.