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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Help! Suddenly I can't print!

The Papercut printing system was recently updated and some users are reporting that they are unable to print. These steps should re-enable your printing capability:

  1. A Chromebook must be up-to-date in order to print. Simply sign out or restart to update. Remember: don't shut down by holding down the power button, as that "crashes" the computer and may not apply updates!
  2. Print your document and choose "See More"
  3. Make sure the top grey drop-down says "show destintions for <your username>@mmuusd.org"
  4. Choose K9-Black on Papercut
  5. The first time you print after this update you will need to sign in to papercut with your school Google ID and "Allow" access. This will only be necessary once.
An additional note: if you have not replaced your user profile since early September (eg. when the Chrome 85 update was released) you will want to do so! This fixes a number of issues including slow performance and Google Meet issues.

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