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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Posting Video From Home

As the use of video discussions in Schoology and elsewhere increases, there have been a lot of questions about the most effective way to do this when home Internet connections are weak.

TRUE: Not all of the file transfer procedures we use regularly are "bandwidth efficient!"

Step 1: Know your bandwidth. Try this test and this test to see what your download and upload speeds are. It is normal for upload speeds to be much lower, because we typically get more information from the Internet that we post.

Step 2: When it comes to Schoology, the phone app is the most efficient option for posting video. Make sure the app is up-to-date! In Schoology you can attach a video file from your Photos directly to a Submission or Discussion post, but you cannot record video directly.

TIP: To make your file transfers as quick as possible, turn your camera settings down so that video is being recorded at 720p/30fps or lower. The lower the settings the smaller the file!

Here's the Math: (derived using this site)
  • At 720p, 1min of video = 60MB file size
  • A 1MB upload speed will take 8min to upload a 60MB file
Here are additional tips for maximizing your home bandwidth.