1. Go to Chrome://Settings, find Widevine Content Decryption Module and and click "Install" or "Check for Updates"
2. Install this extension
3. Right-click on the extension icon and choose "options"
4. In the custom user-agent list enter:
Name: CloudReady Widevine
String: (TIP: copy and paste this entire line!)
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2709.0 Safari/537.36
Group: Chrome (should fill in automatically)
Append: Replace
Feel free to contact Mr. Hall if you need assistance with this installation.
Append: Replace
Indicator Flag: IE
5. Once all of this is filled in, click "Add"
IMPORTANT: This extension may interfere with some websites (WeVideo in particular) resulting in an "incompatible browser" message. To make sure it is only active on the pages where it is necessary:
6. Click on "Permanent Spoof list" (on left)
7. Enter the domain you wish to use (eg. netflix.com) and "add"
Feel free to contact Mr. Hall if you need assistance with this installation.